Background: Several supervised and unsupervised learning tools are available to classify functional genomics data. However, relatively less attention has been given to exploratory...
Background: The analysis of biological data is greatly enhanced by existing or emerging databases. Most existing databases, with few exceptions are not designed to easily support ...
S. A. Kirov, X. Peng, E. Baker, D. Schmoyer, B. Zh...
Background: Cells react to changing intra- and extracellular signals by dynamically modulating complex biochemical networks. Cellular responses to extracellular signals lead to ch...
Mansour Taghavi Azar Sharabiani, Markku Siermala, ...
Mechanistic models for transcriptional regulation are derived using the methods of equilibrium statistical mechanics, to model equilibrating processes that occur at a fast time sc...
Background: There has been much evidence recently for a link between transcriptional regulation and chromosomal gene order, but the relationship between genomic organization, regu...
Jan H. Vogel, Anja von Heydebreck, Antje Purmann, ...