We check statically whether it is safe for untrusted foreign machine code to be loaded into a trusted host system. (Here “safety” means that the program abides by a memory-acc...
A major problem facing the full deployment of business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce is the development of trust on the side of the consumer. People develop trust in a business thr...
Michael A. Shepherd, Anil Dhonde, Carolyn R. Watte...
We propose an novel method of computing and storing DataCubes. Our idea is to use Bayesian Networks, which can generate approximate counts for any query combination of attribute v...
Clusters of high-end workstations and PCs are currently used in many application domains to perform large-scale computations or as scalable servers for I/O bound tasks. Although cl...
In this paper, the most appropriate buffer structure, page replacement policy and buffering scheme for closest pairs queries, where both spatial datasets are stored in R-trees, are...
Antonio Corral, Michael Vassilakopoulos, Yannis Ma...