In this paper, an anisotropic total variation (ATV) minimization is combined with the new adaptive tetrolet transform for discontinuity-preserving image processing. In order to su...
The block-matching with 3D transform domain collaborative filtering (BM3D) achieves very good performance in image denoising. However, BM3D becomes ineffective when an image is h...
This short note studies a variation of the Compressed Sensing paradigm introduced recently by Vaswani et al., i.e. the recovery of sparse signals from a certain number of linear m...
This paper proposes a novel compression scheme with a tunable complexity-ratedistortion trade-off. As images increase in size and resolution, more efficient compression schemes w...
Xavier Delaunay, Marie Chabert, Vincent Charvillat...
This paper deals with the on-line carrier phase estimation in a digital receiver. We consider a Brownian phase evolution in a Data Aided scenario. The proposed study uses an overs...