Companies trading stocks need to store information on stock prices over specific time intervals, which results in very large databases. Large quantities of numerical data (thousan...
Carmen Sanz Merino, Mike Sips, Daniel A. Keim, Chr...
Opportunistic augmentation denotes connecting a personal mobile device to another device to gain a transient advantage for the user. For example, a mobile phone user might borrow ...
John J. Barton, Stina Nylander, Fopefolu Folowosel...
This paper intends to introduce the development of a terminal agent for QoS measurement that is suitable for an NGN environment, and to summarize the results of its performance tes...
ChinChol Kim, SangChul Shin, Sang Yong Ha, SunYoun...
: As we continue miniaturization of circuits into nano-scale, interconnects have been recognized as the limiting factor for next generation of computing structures. To increase the...
The delivery and adaptation of multimedia content in distributed and heterogeneous environments requires flexible control and management mechanisms in terminals and in control ent...
Teodora Guenkova-Luy, Andreas Schorr, Franz J. Hau...