A subtyping 0 is entailed by a set of subtyping constraints C, written C j= 0, if every valuation (mapping of type variables to ground types) that satisfies C also satisfies 0. ...
We describe Dead Value Information (DVI) and introduce three new optimizations which exploit it. DVI provides assertions that certain register values are dead, meaning they will n...
As processors continue to exploit more instruction level parallelism, a greater demand is placed on reducing the e ects of memory access latency. In this paper, we introduce a nov...
We introduce the contour spectrum, a user interface component that improves qualitative user interaction and provides real-time exact quanti cation in the visualization of isocont...
Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Valerio Pascucci, Daniel Schi...
The problem of test generation belongs to the class of NP-complete problems and it is becoming more and more di cult as the complexity of VLSI circuits increases, and as long as e...
Dilip Krishnaswamy, Michael S. Hsiao, Vikram Saxen...