A new and fast way to find local image correspondences for wide baseline image matching is described. The targeted application is visual navigation, e.g. of a semi-automatic wheel...
Luc J. Van Gool, Tinne Tuytelaars, Toon Goedem&eac...
Statistical density estimation techniques are used in many computer vision applications such as object tracking, background subtraction, motion estimation and segmentation. The pa...
Bohyung Han, Dorin Comaniciu, Ying Zhu, Larry S. D...
Kernel-based objective functions optimized using the mean shift algorithm have been demonstrated as an effective means of tracking in video sequences. The resulting algorithms com...
Gregory D. Hager, Maneesh Dewan, Charles V. Stewar...
In this paper, we introduce a novel discriminative feature space which is efficient not only for face detection but also for recognition. The face representation is based on local...
Recognition difficulty is statistically linked to ??? subject covariate factors such as age and gender for three face recognition algorithms: principle components analysis, an int...
Geof H. Givens, J. Ross Beveridge, Bruce A. Draper...
We present a method for controlling the appearance of an arbitrary 3D object using a projector and a camera. Our goal is to make one object look like another by projecting a caref...
Michael D. Grossberg, Harish Peri, Shree K. Nayar,...
Stable local feature detection and representation is a fundamental component of many image registration and object recognition algorithms. Mikolajczyk and Schmid [14] recently eva...
The visual effects of rain are complex. Rain consists of spatially distributed drops falling at high velocities. Each drop refracts and reflects the environment, producing sharp i...
We present a new approach to appearance-based object recognition, which captures the relationships between multiple model views and exploits them to improve recognition performanc...
Vittorio Ferrari, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc J. Van Goo...
Making decisions based on a linear combination L of features is of course very common in pattern recognition. For distinguishing between two hypotheses or classes, the test is of ...