An efficient algorithmic solution to the classical five-point relative pose problem is presented. The problem is to find the possible solutions for relative camera motion between ...
For object recognition under varying illumination conditions, we propose a method based on photometric alignment. The photometric alignment is known as a technique that models bot...
The aim of this paper is to find the best representation for the appearance of surfaces with Lambertian reflectance under varying illumination. Previous work using principal compo...
Producing an accurate motion flow field is very difficult at motion boundaries. We present a novel, noniterative approach for segmentation from image motion, based on two voting p...
This work explores a statistical basis for a process often described in computer vision: image segmentation by region merging following a particular order in the choice of regions...
In this paper we explore object recognition in clutter. We test our object recognition techniques on Gimpy and EZGimpy, examples of visual CAPTCHAs. A CAPTCHA ("Completely Au...
The recognition of activities from sensory data is important in advanced surveillance systems to enable prediction of high-level goals and intentions of the target under surveilla...
Nam Thanh Nguyen, Hung Hai Bui, Svetha Venkatesh, ...
We present a method for online rigid object tracking using an adaptive view-based appearance model. When the object's pose trajectory crosses itself, our tracker has bounded ...
Louis-Philippe Morency, Ali Rahimi, Trevor Darrell
Most cameras used in computer vision applications are still based on the pinhole principle inspired by our own eyes. It has been found though that this is not necessarily the opti...
It is now common practice in machine vision to define the variability in an object's appearance in a factored manner, as a combination of shape and texture transformations. I...