Video-based recognition and prediction of a temporally extended activity can benefit from a detailed description of high-level expectations about the activity. Stochastic grammars...
Cast shadows produce troublesome effects for video surveillance systems, typically for object tracking from a fixed viewpoint, since it yields appearance variations of objects dep...
Yasuyuki Matsushita, Ko Nishino, Katsushi Ikeuchi,...
In this paper, we propose a novel shape representation we call Directional Histogram Model (DHM). It captures the shape variation of an object and is invariant to scaling and rigi...
Xinguo Liu, Robin Sun, Sing Bing Kang, Heung-Yeung...
In this paper, we develop a general classification framework called Kullback-Leibler Boosting, or KLBoosting. KLBoosting has following properties. First, classification is based o...
Although linear representations are frequently used in image analysis, their performances are seldom optimal in specific applications. This paper proposes a stochastic gradient al...
Inhomogeneous Gibbs model (IGM) [4] is an effective maximum entropy model in characterizing complex highdimensional distributions. However, its training process is so slow that th...