Work in simultaneous localisation and map-building ("SLAM") for mobile robots has focused on the simplified case in which a robot is considered to move in two dimensions...
This paper proposes a new Bayesian framework for solving the matting problem, i.e. extracting a foreground element from a background image by estimating an opacity for each pixel ...
Yung-Yu Chuang, Brian Curless, David Salesin, Rich...
A methodology for the segmentation of successive frames of a video sequence is presented. Traditional methods, treating each frame in isolation, are computationally expensive, ign...
This paper describes a face detection approach via learning local features. The key idea is that local features, being manifested by a collection of pixels in a local region, are ...
Xiangrong Chen, Lie Gu, Stan Z. Li, HongJiang Zhan...
We introduce linear methods for model-based tracking of nonrigid 3D objects and for acquiring such models from video. 3D motions and flexions are calculated directly from image in...