Support Vector Tracking (SVT) integrates the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier into an optic-flow-based tracker. Instead of minimizing an intensity difference function betwee...
Work on photometric stereo has shown how to recover the shape and reflectance properties of an object using multiple images taken with a fixed viewpoint and variable lighting cond...
We extend a recently developed method [1] for learning the semantics of image databases using text and pictures. We incorporate statistical natural language processing in order to...
An imaging system with a single effective viewpoint is called a central projection system. The conventional perspective camera is an example of a central projection system. System...
This paper presents a novel probabilistic framework for 3D surface reconstruction from multiple stereo images. The method works on a discrete voxelized representation of the scene...
This paper describes an imagingsystem that has been designed specifically for the purpose of recovering egomotion and structure from video. The system consists of six cameras in a...