Image parsing remains difficult due to the need to combine
local and contextual information when labeling a
scene. We approach this problem by using the epitome as a
prior over ...
Jonathan Warrell, Simon J. D. Prince, Alastair P. ...
Most modern computer vision systems for high-level
tasks, such as image classification, object recognition and
segmentation, are based on learning algorithms that are
able to se...
Many perception and multimedia indexing problems involve datasets that are naturally comprised of multiple streams or modalities for which supervised training data is only sparsely...
Ashish Kapoor, Chris Mario Christoudias, Raquel Ur...
Latent Variable Models (LVM), like the Shared-GPLVM
and the Spectral Latent Variable Model, help mitigate over-
fitting when learning discriminative methods from small or
In this paper, we address the complex problem of rapid modeling
of large-scale areas and present a novel approach for the automatic
reconstruction of cities from remote sensor da...
Charalambos Poullis (CGIT/IMSC/USC), Suya You (Uni...
We propose a method based on sparse representation
(SR) to cluster data drawn from multiple low-dimensional
linear or affine subspaces embedded in a high-dimensional
space. Our ...
Active contours is a popular technique for image segmentation.
However, active contour tend to converge to the
closest local minimum of its energy function and often requires
a ...
Segmenting images into distinct material types is a very useful capability. Most work in image segmentation addresses the case where only a single image is available. Some methods ...
Oliver Wang (University of California, Santa Cruz)...
In this paper we present a method for learning classspecific
features for recognition. Recently a greedy layerwise
procedure was proposed to initialize weights of deep
belief ne...
Mohammad Norouzi (Simon Fraser University), Mani R...
The visual world demonstrates organized spatial patterns,
among objects or regions in a scene, object-parts
in an object, and low-level features in object-parts. These
classes o...
Devi Parikh (Carnegie Mellon University), C. Lawre...