The syntactic monoid of a language is generalized to the level of a symmetric monoidal closed category D. This allows for a uniform treatment of several notions of syntactic algeb...
Models of concurrent systems employ a wide variety of semantics inducing various notions of process equivalence, ranging from linear-time semantics such as trace equivalence to br...
We use the connection between automata and logic to prove that a wide class of coalgebraic fixpoint logics enjoys uniform interpolation. To this aim, first we generalize one of ...
In the semantics of programming languages one can view programs as state transformers, or as predicate transformers. Recently the author has introduced ‘stateand-effect’ trian...
In this paper we describe the KTIML team approach to RuleML 2015 Rule-based Recommender Systems for the Web of Data Challenge Track. The task is to estimate the top 5 movies for ea...
This paper is devoted to formats and translations for Datalog+. We first introduce the dlgp format, which extends classical Datalog format to Datalog+. It allows to encode facts, ...
A method for the monitoring of anomalous human behaviour that is based on the logical description of complex human behaviour patterns and special kinds of blob (a separated area of...
Alexei A. Morozov, Alexander F. Polupanov, Olga Su...
Actor Prolog is a concurrent object-oriented logic language developed in [1]. We demonstrate a state-of-the-art translator of Actor Prolog to Java developed in the framework of the...
Alexei A. Morozov, Alexander F. Polupanov, Olga Su...
Abstract. In this paper we study input/output STIT logic. We introduce the semantics, proof theory and prove the completeness theorem. Input/output STIT logic has more expressive p...