KeYmaera X is a theorem prover for differential dynamic logic (dL), a logic for specifying and verifying properties of hybrid systems. Reasoning about complicated hybrid systems mo...
Nathan Fulton, Stefan Mitsch, Jan-David Quesel, Ma...
Abstract. We describe an executable specification and a total correctness proof of a King and Rook vs King (KRK) chess endgame strategy within the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL. Th...
Lean is a new open source theorem prover being developed at Microsoft Research and Carnegie Mellon University, with a small trusted kernel based on dependent type theory. It aims t...
Our computational metaphysics group describes its use of automated reasoning tools to study Leibniz’s theory of concepts. We start with a reconstruction of Leibniz’s theory wi...
Proving complex problems requires user interaction during proof construction. A major prerequisite for user interaction is that the user is able to understand the proof state in or...
An effective SAT preprocessing technique is the addition of symmetry-breaking predicates: auxiliary clauses that guide a SAT solver away from needless exploration of isomorphic su...
SMTtoTPTP is a converter from proof problems written in the SMT-LIB format into the TPTP TFF format. The SMT-LIB format supports polymorphic sorts and frequently used theories like...
Abstract. We present an approach to component-based program synthesis that uses two distinct interpretations for the symbols in the program. The first interpretation defines the ...
We prove decidability of univariate real algebra extended with predicates for rational and integer powers, i.e., “xn ∈ Q” and “xn ∈ Z.” Our decision procedure combines ...
We present an elementary proof of the classical result that the leftmost outermost strategy is normalizing for left-normal orthogonal rewrite systems. Our proof is local and exten...