We introduce a new geometric, rank-based model for the link structure of on-line social networks (OSNs). In the geo-protean (GEO-P) model for OSNs nodes are identified with points ...
The existence of on-line social networks that include person specific information creates interesting opportunities for various applications ranging from marketing to community o...
Barbara Carminati, Elena Ferrari, Raymond Heatherl...
Relations between users on social media sites often reflect a mixture of positive (friendly) and negative (antagonistic) interactions. In contrast to the bulk of research on soci...
Jure Leskovec, Daniel P. Huttenlocher, Jon M. Klei...
On-line social networks, such as Facebook, are increasingly utilized by many users. These networks allow people to publish details about themselves and connect to their friends. S...
Jack Lindamood, Raymond Heatherly, Murat Kantarcio...