
13 years 7 months ago
Phrase-Based Statistical Language Generation Using Graphical Models and Active Learning
Most previous work on trainable language generation has focused on two paradigms: (a) using a statistical model to rank a set of generated utterances, or (b) using statistics to i...
François Mairesse, Milica Gasic, Filip Jurc...
13 years 7 months ago
Using Smaller Constituents Rather Than Sentences in Active Learning for Japanese Dependency Parsing
We investigate active learning methods for Japanese dependency parsing. We propose active learning methods of using partial dependency relations in a given sentence for parsing an...
Manabu Sassano, Sadao Kurohashi
13 years 7 months ago
Dependency Parsing and Projection Based on Word-Pair Classification
In this paper we describe an intuitionistic method for dependency parsing, where a classifier is used to determine whether a pair of words forms a dependency edge. And we also pro...
Wenbin Jiang, Qun Liu
13 years 7 months ago
Generating Focused Topic-Specific Sentiment Lexicons
We present a method for automatically generating focused and accurate topicspecific subjectivity lexicons from a general purpose polarity lexicon that allow users to pin-point sub...
Valentin Jijkoun, Maarten de Rijke, Wouter Weerkam...
13 years 7 months ago
Experiments in Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning Methods for Class-Instance Acquisition
Graph-based semi-supervised learning (SSL) algorithms have been successfully used to extract class-instance pairs from large unstructured and structured text collections. However,...
Partha Pratim Talukdar, Fernando Pereira
13 years 7 months ago
Combining Orthogonal Monolingual and Multilingual Sources of Evidence for All Words WSD
Word Sense Disambiguation remains one of the most complex problems facing computational linguists to date. In this paper we present a system that combines evidence from a monoling...
Weiwei Guo, Mona Diab
13 years 7 months ago
Generating Templates of Entity Summaries with an Entity-Aspect Model and Pattern Mining
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to automatic generation of summary templates from given collections of summary articles. This kind of summary templates can be useful in...
Peng Li, Jing Jiang, Yinglin Wang
13 years 7 months ago
Bilingual Sense Similarity for Statistical Machine Translation
This paper proposes new algorithms to compute the sense similarity between two units (words, phrases, rules, etc.) from parallel corpora. The sense similarity scores are computed ...
Boxing Chen, George F. Foster, Roland Kuhn
13 years 7 months ago
A Statistical Model for Lost Language Decipherment
In this paper we propose a method for the automatic decipherment of lost languages. Given a non-parallel corpus in a known related language, our model produces both alphabetic map...
Benjamin Snyder, Regina Barzilay, Kevin Knight