
13 years 11 months ago
Contents Modelling of Neo-Sumerian Ur III Economic Text Corpus
This paper describes a system for processing economic documents written in the ancient Sumerian language. The system is application-oriented and takes advantage of the simplicity ...
Wojciech Jaworski
13 years 11 months ago
Almost Flat Functional Semantics for Speech Translation
We introduce a novel semantic representation formalism, Almost Flat Functional semantics (AFF), which is designed as an intelligent compromise between linguistically motivated pre...
Manny Rayner, Pierrette Bouillon, Beth Ann Hockey,...
13 years 11 months ago
The Choice of Features for Classification of Verbs in Biomedical Texts
We conduct large-scale experiments to investigate optimal features for classification of verbs in biomedical texts. We introduce a range of feature sets and associated extraction ...
Anna Korhonen, Yuval Krymolowski, Nigel Collier
13 years 11 months ago
Investigating the Portability of Corpus-Derived Cue Phrases for Dialogue Act Classification
We present recent work in the area of Cross-Domain Dialogue Act tagging. Our experiments investigate the use of a simple dialogue act classifier based on purely intra-utterance fe...
Nick Webb, Ting Liu
13 years 11 months ago
Latent Morpho-Semantic Analysis: Multilingual Information Retrieval with Character N-Grams and Mutual Information
We describe an entirely statistics-based, unsupervised, and languageindependent approach to multilingual information retrieval, which we call Latent Morpho-Semantic Analysis (LMSA...
Peter A. Chew, Brett W. Bader, Ahmed Abdelali
13 years 11 months ago
Regenerating Hypotheses for Statistical Machine Translation
This paper studies three techniques that improve the quality of N-best hypotheses through additional regeneration process. Unlike the multi-system consensus approach where multipl...
Boxing Chen, Min Zhang, AiTi Aw, Haizhou Li
13 years 11 months ago
Textual Demand Analysis: Detection of Users' Wants and Needs from Opinions
This paper tackles textual demand analysis, the task of capturing what people want or need, rather than identifying what they like or dislike, on which much conventional work has ...
Hiroshi Kanayama, Tetsuya Nasukawa
13 years 11 months ago
A Supervised Algorithm for Verb Disambiguation into VerbNet Classes
VerbNet (VN) is a major large-scale English verb lexicon. Mapping verb instances to their VN classes has been proven useful for several NLP tasks. However, verbs are polysemous wi...
Omri Abend, Roi Reichart, Ari Rappoport
13 years 11 months ago
An Improved Hierarchical Bayesian Model of Language for Document Classification
This paper addresses the fundamental problem of document classification, and we focus attention on classification problems where the classes are mutually exclusive. In the course ...
Ben Allison
13 years 11 months ago
Parsing the SynTagRus Treebank of Russian
We present the first results on parsing the SYNTAGRUS treebank of Russian with a data-driven dependency parser, achieving a labeled attachment score of over 82% and an unlabeled a...
Joakim Nivre, Igor Boguslavsky, Leonid L. Iomdin