A great deal of information on the Web is represented in both textual and structured form. The structured form is machinereadable and can be used to augment the textual data. We c...
In this paper, we propose an unsupervised approach to automatically synthesize Wikipedia articles in multiple languages. Taking an existing high-quality version of any entry as co...
In this paper we present a simplified shallow semantic parsing approach to learning the scope of negation (SoN). This is done by formulating it as a shallow semantic parsing probl...
We describe a new unsupervised approach for synonymy discovery by aligning paraphrases in monolingual domain corpora. For that purpose, we identify phrasal terms that convey most ...
As tokenization is usually ambiguous for many natural languages such as Chinese and Korean, tokenization errors might potentially introduce translation mistakes for translation sy...
Xinyan Xiao, Yang Liu, Young-Sook Hwang, Qun Liu, ...
We propose an unsupervised approach utilizing only raw corpora to enhance morphological alignment involving highly inflected languages. Our method focuses on closed-class morpheme...
Fact collections are mostly built using semi-supervised relation extraction techniques and wisdom of the crowds methods, rendering them inherently noisy. In this paper, we propose...
Texts are commonly interpreted based on the entire discourse in which they are situated. Discourse processing has been shown useful for inference-based application; yet, most syst...
Shachar Mirkin, Jonathan Berant, Ido Dagan, Eyal S...
We present a method for translating semantic relationships between languages where relationships are defined as pattern clusters. Given a pattern set which represents a semantic r...
This paper proposes a dependency-driven scheme to dynamically determine the syntactic parse tree structure for tree kernel-based anaphoricity determination in coreference resoluti...