This paper presents a new visual servoing scheme which is invariant to changes in camera intrinsic parameters. Current visual servoing techniques are based on the learning of a ref...
We propose to incorporate a priori geometric constraints in a 3?D stereo reconstruction scheme to cope with the many cases where image information alone is not sufficient to accur...
W e address an open and hitherto neglected problem in computer vision, how to reconstruct the geometry of objects with arbitrary and possibly anisotropic bidirectional reflectance...
Sebastian Magda, David J. Kriegman, Todd Zickler, ...
Studies of image motion typically address motion categories on a case-by-case basis. Examples include a moving point, a moving contour, or a 2D optical flow field. The typical ass...
Visual trackan,g cou,ld be treeted as a param,eter estim.ation. problem, of target representastionbased on observations in im,age sequ.ences. A rich,er target represen,tation, wou...
A new method to pre-segment images by means of a hierarchical description is proposed. This description is obtained from an investigation of the deep structure of a scale space im...
In this paper we propose a novel inhomogeneous Gibbs model by the minimax entropy principle, and apply it to face modeling. The maximum entropy principle generalizes the statistic...
This paper describes a novel Gabor Feature Class$er (GFC)method forface recognition. The GFC method employs an enhanced Fisher discrimination model on an augmented Gabor feature v...
Several new algorithms for visual correspondence based on graph cuts [6, 13, 16] have recently been developed. While these methods give very strong results in practice, they do no...