Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is widely adopted for building mission-critical systems, ranging from on-line stores to complex airline management systems. How to build reliabl...
The Pathfinder project makes inventive use of relational database technology--originally developed to process data of strictly tabular shape--to construct efficient database-suppo...
Database administrators struggle when managing workloads that have widely different performance requirements. For example, the same database may support short-running OLTP queries...
Stefan Krompass, Andreas Scholz, Martina-Cezara Al...
In this paper, we describe a face video database, UTK-LRHM, acquired from long distances and with high magnifications. Both indoor and outdoor sequences are collected under uncont...
Yi Yao, Besma R. Abidi, Nathan D. Kalka, Natalia A...
In this paper we present a simple database definition language: that of categories and functors. A database schema is a category and a state is a set-valued functor. We show that m...
Incorporating probabilities into the semantics of incomplete databases has posed many challenges, forcing systems to sacrifice modeling power, scalability, or treatment of relatio...