Many websites with a large user base, e.g., websites of nonprofit organizations, do not have the financial means to install large web-servers or use specialized content distributi...
We propose efficient techniques for processing various TopK count queries on data with noisy duplicates. Our method differs from existing work on duplicate elimination in two sign...
Sunita Sarawagi, Vinay S. Deshpande, Sourabh Kasli...
We investigate the problem of refining SQL queries to satisfy cardinality constraints on the query result. This has applications to the many/few answers problems often faced by da...
In order to become an effective complement to traditional Web-scale text-based image retrieval solutions, content-based image retrieval must address scalability and efficiency iss...
Consider a scientist who wants to explore multiple data sets to select the relevant ones for further analysis. Since the visualization real estate may put a stringent constraint o...
Many Web applications are based on dynamic interactions between Web components exchanging flows of information. Such a situation arises for instance in mashup systems or when moni...
A skyline query returns a set of objects that are not dominated by other objects. An object is said to dominate another if it is closer to the query than the latter on all factors...
Deepak P, Prasad M. Deshpande, Debapriyo Majumdar,...
Abstract--Interdependencies between different security patterns can influence the properties of a particular pattern when applied in conjunction with other patterns. The resulting ...
A huge amount of schemas are expressed within outdated schema languages which are restricted concerning expressiveness, extensibility, readability, and understandability. Consequen...