Many aspects of spatial language concerned with relationships between spatial entities are essentially vague. Current GIS technology provides very little support for dealing with ...
Isochrones are defined as the set of all points from which a specific point of interest is reachable within a given time span. This demo paper presents a solution to compute isoch...
Veronika Bauer, Johann Gamper, Roberto Loperfido, ...
Cyberinfrastructure integrates information and communication technologies to enable high-performance, distributed, and collaborative knowledge discovery, and promises to revolutio...
Geovisualization has traditionally played a critical role in analysis and decision-making, but recent developments have also brought a revolution in widespread online access to ge...
David C. Wilson, Heather Richter Lipford, Erin Car...
Given a spatial crime data warehouse, that is updated infrequently and a set of operations O as well as constraints of storage and update overheads, the index type selection probl...
Pradeep Mohan, Ronald E. Wilson, Shashi Shekhar, B...
This paper presents an automatic algorithm which reconstructs building models from airborne LiDAR (light detection and ranging) data of urban areas. While our algorithm inherits t...
With the advent of the data grid came a novel distributed scientific computing paradigm known as service-oriented science. Among the plethora of systems included under this framew...
David Chiu, Sagar Deshpande, Gagan Agrawal, Rongxi...