Data compression is one way to alleviate the 1/0bottleneck problem faced by I/O-intensive applications such as databases. However, this approach is not widely used because of the ...
We describe a numbering scheme for versions with alternatives that has a useful lexicographical ordering. The version hierarchy is a tree. By inspection of the version numbers, we...
The model of flexible relations supports heterogeneous sets of tuples in a strongly typed way. The elegance of the standard relational model is preserved by using a single, generi...
We describe set-oriented algorithms for mining association rules. Such algorithms imply performing multiple joins and may appear to be inherently less escient than special-purpose...
We describe a two-level client-side cache for composite objects mapped as views of a relational database. A semantic model, the Structural Model, is used to specify joins on the r...
While much work has addressed the problem of maintaining materialized views, the important question of optimizing queries in the presence of materialized views has not been resolv...
Surajit Chaudhuri, Ravi Krishnamurthy, Spyros Pota...
Active OODBMSs must provide e cient support for event detection, composition, and rule execution. Previous experience, reported here, building active capabilities on top of existi...
Abstract. The problem of mining sequential patterns was recently introduced in 3 . We are given a database of sequences, where each sequence is a list of transactions ordered by tr...