There are two major challenges for a high-performance remote-sensing database. First, it must provide low-latency retrieval of very large volumes of spatio-temporaldata. This requ...
2. ODB-QOPTIMIZER : the tool ODB-QOPTIMIZERis a ODMG 93 compliant tool for the schema validation and semantic query optimization. The approach is based on two fundamental ingredien...
The design of programsfor broadcastdisks which incorporatereal-time and fault-tolerance requirements is considered. A generalized model for real-time fault-tolerant broadcast disk...
We propose a data model and a few algebraic operations that provide semantic foundation to multidimensional databases. The distinguishing feature of the proposed model is the symm...
We study the problem of maintaining materialized views of graph structured data. The base data consists of records containing identi ers of other records. The data could represent...
Traditional Event-Condition-Action triggers (active database rules) include a Boolean predicate as a trigger condition. We propose fuzzy triggers whereby fuzzy inference is utiliz...
?Mining association rules on large data sets has received considerable attention in recent years. Association rules are useful for determining correlations between attributes of a ...
We advocate a desktop virtual reality (VR) interface to a geographic information system (GIS). The navigational capability to explore large topographic scenes is a powerful metaph...
Renato Pajarola, Thomas Ohler, Peter Stucki, Korne...