A fundamental problem in information integration is that of designing the relationships, called schema mappings, between two schemas. The specification of a semantically correct sc...
Aggregate measures summarizing subsets of data are valuable in exploratory analysis and decision support, especially when dependent aggregations can be easily specified and compute...
Lei Chen 0003, Christopher Olston, Raghu Ramakrish...
Applications that monitor functions over rapidly and unpredictably changing data, express their needs as continuous queries. Our focus is on a rich class of queries, expressed as p...
Exploiting the concepts of social networking represents a novel approach to the approximate similarity query processing. We present a metric social network where relations between...
When disseminating data involving human subjects, researchers have to weigh in the requirements of privacy of the individuals involved in the data. A model widely used for enhancin...
We study new hierarchical indexing approach to process XPATH queries. Here, a hierarchical index consists of index entries that are pairs of queries and their (full/partial) answer...
Abstract-- With fast paced growth of digital data and exploding storage management costs, enterprises are looking for new ways to effectively manage their data. One such cost-effec...
We identify and formalize a novel join operator for two spatial pointsets P and Q. The common influence join (CIJ) returns the pairs of points (p, q), p P, q Q, such that there e...
The paper proposes an extension of CFDs [1], referred to as extended Conditional Functional Dependencies (eCFDs). In contrast to CFDs, eCFDs specify patterns of semantically relate...
Preserving individual privacy when publishing data is a problem that is receiving increasing attention. According to the k-anonymity principle, each release of data must be such th...