Abstract-- Data uncertainty is common in real-world applications due to various causes, including imprecise measurement, network latency, outdated sources and sampling errors. Thes...
This paper presents a model and a tool that allows Web users to define, execute, and manage lifecycles for any artifact available on the Web. In the paper we show the need for life...
Auditing the changes to a database is critical for identifying malicious behavior, maintaining data quality, and improving system performance. But an accurate audit log is a histor...
Given an integer k, a representative skyline contains the k skyline points that best describe the tradeoffs among different dimensions offered by the full skyline. Although this to...
In recent years, the data management community has begun to consider situations in which data access is closely tied to network routing and distributed acquisition: examples includ...
Mengmeng Liu, Nicholas E. Taylor, Wenchao Zhou, Za...
With the advance of the Semantic Web, varying RDF data were increasingly generated, published, queried, and reused via the Web. For example, the DBpedia, a community effort to extr...
Abstract-- Recent innovations in RFID technology are enabling large-scale cost-effective deployments in retail, healthcare, pharmaceuticals and supply chain management. The advent ...
Thanh Tran 0002, Charles Sutton, Richard Cocci, Ya...
SmallBlue is a social networking application that unlocks the valuable business intelligence of 'who knows what?', 'who knows whom?' and `who knows what about w...
Ching-Yung Lin, Nan Cao, Shixia Liu, Spiros Papadi...
Abstract-- Scientific workflow management systems are increaingly providing the ability to manage and query the provenance of data products. However, the problem of differencing th...
Zhuowei Bao, Sarah Cohen Boulakia, Susan B. Davids...
In bibliographies like DBLP and Citeseer, there are three kinds of entity-name problems that need to be solved. First, multiple entities share one name, which is called the name sh...