Differential operators are required to compute several characteristics for continuous surfaces, as e.g. tangents, curvature, flatness, shape descriptors. We propose to replace diff...
Abstract. Recent advances in graphics hardware provide new possibilities to successfully integrate and improve multiresolution models. In this paper, we present a new continuous mu...
Francisco Ramos, Miguel Chover, Oscar Ripolles, Ca...
We introduce a new discrete primitive, the blurred piece of a discrete plane, which relies on the arithmetic definition of discrete planes. It generalizes such planes, admitting th...
A sequential algorithm for computing the distance map using distances based on neighbourhood sequences (of any length) in the 2D square grid; and 3D cubic, face-centered cubic, and...
Abstract. Existing theories on shape digitization impose strong constraints on feasible shapes and require error-free measurements. We use Delaunay triangulation and -shapes to pro...
Abstract. Designing interactive segmentation methods for digital volume images is difficult, mainly because efficient 3D interaction is much harder to achieve than interaction with...
This paper deals with the complexity of the decomposition of a digital surface into digital plane segments (DPS for short). We prove that the decision problem (does there exist a ...
Abstract. The notion of skeleton plays a major role in shape analysis. Some usually desirable characteristics of a skeleton are: sufficient for the reconstruction of the original o...