We propose a new look at one of the most fundamental types of behavioral interfaces: discrete time specifications of communication--directly related to the work of de Alfaro and H...
Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Ulrik Nyman, Andrzej Wasows...
Formal modeling is a crucial first step in the analysis of safety critical communication protocols such as IP Telephony. These protocols are notoriously resistant to formal modelin...
This paper addresses the frame problem for programming theories that support both sharing and encapsulation through specification variables. The concept of dynamic frames is introd...
We summarize some current trends in embedded systems design and point out some of their characteristics, such as the chasm between analytical and computational models, and the gap ...
Abstract. Circus is a combination of Z and CSP that supports the development of state-rich reactive systems based on refinement. In this paper we present JCircus, a tool that autom...
Symmetry reduction techniques can help to combat the state space explosion problem for model checking, but are restricted by the hard problem of determining equivalence of states d...
Abstract. The key to the integration of formal methods into engineering practice is education. In teaching, domain-independent problems -i.e., not requiring prior engineering backg...
Security-critical systems are an important application area for formal methods. However, such systems often contain cryptographic subsystems. The natural definitions of these subsy...