
13 years 11 months ago
Circumstance descriptors: a method for generating plan modifications and fragmentary orders
Circumstance Descriptors are offered as a way to organize spatial and other military knowledge that may be difficult to formulate, particularly the kinds of details that are most ...
John B. Gilmer Jr.
13 years 11 months ago
Modeling reality with simulation games for a cooperative learning
In this work we want to show the importance of visualization, interfaces and re-design techniques through 3D modeling, animations and VRML in the developing of the simulation game...
João Rafael Galvão, Paulo Garcia Mar...
13 years 11 months ago
Practical aspects of simulating systems having arrival processes with long-range dependence
Analysis of network traffic indicates that packet arrival processes have significant stochastic dependence. It has been suggested that this dependence is so strong as to be wellmo...
Robert Geist, James Westall
13 years 11 months ago
United States Marine Corps aerial refueling requirements analysis
The United States Marine Corps (USMC) currently operates a fleet of KC130 aerial refueling tanker aircraft. This paper uses queuing and simulation models to examine the USMC KC130...
William R. Gates, Mitchell J. McCarthy
13 years 11 months ago
Integrating optimization and simulation: research and practice
The integration of optimization and simulation has become nearly ubiquitous in practice, as most discrete-event simulation packages now include some type of optimization routine. ...
Michael C. Fu, Sigrún Andradóttir, J...
13 years 11 months ago
Simulation of the remote unit assembly and test: a case study
This paper will present a case study on the use of simulation to develop and implement an assembly line for the assembly and test of customer located telephony equipment. The simu...
Jeff Fields, Dennis Davis, Alfred Taylor
13 years 11 months ago
A practical approach to sample-path simulation optimization
We propose solving continuous parametric simulation optimizations using a deterministic nonlinear optimization algorithm and sample-path simulations. The optimization problem is w...
Michael C. Ferris, Todd S. Munson, Krung Sinapirom...
13 years 11 months ago
Electronic workflow for transaction-based work cells in a financial services firm
In determining an electronic workflow system, a financial services firm utilized simulation to determine the necessary capital expenditure. Analysis included batching options, Ser...
David M. Ferrin, Martin J. Miller, Gustavo Giron
13 years 11 months ago
Using simulation to support implementation of flexible manufacturing Cell
A simulation model was developed and tested using Taylor II to justify the implementation of a Flexible Manufacturing Cell (FMC). The current production capacity at the existing C...
Kambiz Farahmand
13 years 11 months ago
Simulation from non-standard distributions using envelope methods
This paper considers the development of envelope methods as a tool for simulation. Envelope methods are based on the construction of simple envelopes to functions. The proposed en...
Michael J. Evans, Tim B. Swartz