
13 years 11 months ago
Evaluation of Electronic Cash Threat Scenarios Using Micro Dynamic Simulation
This paper discusses the evaluation of the electronic cash counterfeit threat scenarios using micro dynamic simulation. This modeling technique provides information needed for the...
Kazuo J. Ezawa, Gregory Napiorkowski, Mariusz Koss...
13 years 11 months ago
The Use of Simulation in Facility Layout Design: A Practical Consulting Experience
This paper presents a practical undertaking to solve an industry-specific problem of facility expansion through relocation of an existing production facility to a proposed new fac...
Emmanuel S. Eneyo, Gertrude P. Pannirselvam
13 years 11 months ago
A Workbench for Predicting the Performances of Distributed Object Architectures
The development of a Distributed Information System (DIS) can lead to critical bottlenecks because of the underlying architecture, which is becoming more and more complex. Todays ...
Sophie Dumas, Georges Gardarin
13 years 11 months ago
Effective Implementation of Cycle Time Reduction Strategies for Semiconductor Back-end Manufacturing
Using discrete-event simulation models, a study was conducted to evaluate the current production practices of a high-volume semiconductor back-end operation. The overall goal was ...
Joerg Domaschke, Steven Brown, Jennifer Robinson, ...
13 years 11 months ago
Integrated Modeling and Analysis Generator Environment (IMAGE): A Decision Support Tool
A truly integrated modeling and analysis environment, which facilitates multi-use and multi-tool models, is necessary for today's enterprises to meet the challenges of the co...
Dursun Delen, Perakath C. Benjamin, Madhav Erragun...
13 years 11 months ago
Estimates of Multicarrier CDMA System Capacity
As CDMA systems reach capacity, infrastructure providers are extending them by offering multicarrier capability. The capacity of an n-carrier CDMA system should be at least n time...
Tony Dean, Phil Fleming, Alexander L. Stolyar
13 years 11 months ago
Implementing On-line Simulation upon the World-Wide Web
This paper addresses the implementation of advanced, online simulation experiments upon the World-Wide Web. The paper first discusses the system considered for this study. The pap...
Wayne J. Davis, Xu Chen, Andrew L. Brook
13 years 11 months ago
Field Applications of CORSIM: I-40 Freeway Design Evaluation, Oklahoma City, OK
Simulation of traffic flow is an effective tool for evaluating alternative roadway designs, particularly in congested urban areas. CORSIM, a traffic simulation model with detailed...
Gene Daigle, Michelle Thomas, Meenakshy Vasudevan
13 years 11 months ago
The DoD High Level Architecture: an update
The High Level Architecture (HLA) provides the specification of a common technical architecture for use across all classes of simulations in the US Department of Defense. It provi...
Judith S. Dahmann, Richard Fujimoto, Richard M. We...