
13 years 11 months ago
Reducing Inter-Organizational Barriers in the Medical Sector with Simulation
This paper describes how a simulation model is successfully being used as a communication tool following
Mark D. Hermans, Joost M. Sluijs, Hannie Aartsen
13 years 11 months ago
Windows-based Animation with PROOF
Proof AnimationTM is a family of products for animating discrete event simulations. Proof is available in a variety of versions, including an inexpensive, student version, midsize...
James O. Henriksen
13 years 11 months ago
Stretching the Boundaries of Simulation Software
SLX is Wolverine Software's "next generation" simulation language. SLX builds on the strengths of Wolverine's GPSS/H (Crain 1997). It provides powerful simulat...
James O. Henriksen
13 years 11 months ago
Rostering by Iterating Integer Programming and Simulation
We present a new technique (RIIPS) for solving rostering problems in the presence of service uncertainty. RIIPS stands for "Rostering by Iterating Integer Programming and Sim...
Shane G. Henderson, Andrew J. Mason
13 years 11 months ago
Simulating Haul Durations for Linear Scheduling
A major portion of highway construction work is comprised of linear activities. A linear activity is one that progresses along a path (non-stationary), as it does it is complete a...
David J. Harmelink, Maria Andrea Bernal
13 years 11 months ago
Integrating Neural Networks with Special Purpose Simulation
Traditional methods of dealing with variability in simulation input data are mainly stochastic. This is most often the best method to use if the factors affecting the variation or...
Dany Hajjar, Simaan M. AbouRizk, Kevin Mather
13 years 11 months ago
Panama Canal Simulation Model
This paper presents the development process of the Panama Canal Simulation Model (PCSM). The PCSM was developed by The SABRE Group (SABRE) for the Panama Canal Commission (PCC) to...
Javad Golkar, Amit Shekhar, Sai Buddhavarapu
13 years 11 months ago
Application of Business Process Modeling at Timberland
Process modeling and simulation was introduced to the Timberland Co. in order to help improve the company's increasingly complex and cross-functional business processes. Two ...
Dan Grosz
13 years 11 months ago
Sensitivity of Output Performance Measures to Input Distributions in Queueing Network Modeling
In Gross and Juttijudata (1997) a single node, G/G/1 queue was investigated as to the sensitivity of output performance measures, such as the mean queue wait, to the shape of the ...
Donald Gross, Denise M. Bevilacqua Masi