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We consider a notion of morphism of neural networks and develop its properties. We show how, given any definite logic program P, the least fixed point of the immediate consequenc...
This paper presents a network architecture to interconnect mixed-signal VLSI1 integrate-and-fire neural networks in a way that the timing of the neural network data is preserved. ...
Abstract. Taking neuromodulation as a mechanism underlying emotions, this paper investigates how such a mechanism can bias an artificial neural network towards exploration of new ...
A series of evolutionary neural network simulations are presented which explore the hypothesis that learning factors can result in the evolution of long periods of parental protec...
This paper introduces a continuous model for Multi-cellular Developmental Design. The cells are fixed on a 2D grid and exchange ”chemicals” with their neighbors during the gr...
Alexandre Devert, Nicolas Bredeche, Marc Schoenaue...
Several different controller representations are compared on a non-trivial problem in simulated car racing, with respect to learning speed and final fitness. The controller rep...
Alexandros Agapitos, Julian Togelius, Simon M. Luc...
Abstract. Complex networks like the scale-free model proposed by BarabasiAlbert are observed in many biological systems and the application of this topology to artificial neural ne...
Mauro Annunziato, Ilaria Bertini, Matteo De Felice...
- This paper aims at discussing the implementation of simulation systems for SNN based on analog computation cores (neuromimetic ICs). Such systems are an alternative to completely...
Sylvie Renaud, Jean Tomas, Yannick Bornat, Adel Da...
— The relationship between subsymbolic neural networks and symbolic logical systems is discussed from the point of view of the account of computational science by Paul Humphreys ...
A neural network controller for improved fuel efficiency of the Toyota Prius hybrid electric vehicle is proposed. A new method to detect and mitigate a battery fault is also pres...