Operating systems divide virtual memory addresses into kernel space and user space. The interface of a modern operating system consists of a set of system call procedures that may...
Super-Pages have been wandering around for more than a decade. There are some particular operating systems that support Super-Paging and there are some recent research papers that...
With the increasing interest in developing pervasive computing technologies there is growing recognition of the problems of maintaining user privacy. In the Daidalos pervasive sys...
Elizabeth Papadopoulou, Sarah McBurney, Nick K. Ta...
Missing or faulty exception handling has caused a number of spectacular system failures and is a major cause of software failures in extensively tested critical systems. Prior wor...
DL systems with bilinear structure recently became an important base for cryptographic protocols such as identity-based encryption (IBE). Since the main computational task is the ...
– This paper presents our approach of the radio interface problematic for Wireless Sensor Network. We introduce the WSN context and constraints associated. We propose an IR-UWB s...
Daniela Dragomirescu, Aubin Lecointre, Robert Plan...
In this paper we describe the complete workflow of analyzing the dynamic behavior of safety-critical embedded systems with HySAT. HySAT is an arithmetic constraint solver with a ...
— Nonholonomic mobile robots are characterized by no-slip constraints. However, in many practical situations, slips are inevitable. In this work, we develop a theoretical and sys...
The cost of a telecom service development is correlated to the discontinuity and the complexity of the process. To solve this problem, we propose a method dedicated to telecom ser...
Jacques Simonin, Francis Alizon, Jean-Pierre Desch...