We present an O(m + n)-time algorithm that tests if a given directed graph is 2-vertex connected, where m is the number of arcs and n is the number of vertices. Based on this resul...
A dataflow-based pointcut is proposed for aspect-oriented programming (AOP) languages. The pointcut specifies where aspects should be applied based on the origins of values. It is ...
We investigate how to automatically verify that resources such as files are not used improperly or unsafely by a program. We employ a mixture of compile-time analysis and run-time ...
Abstract. Much work has been done in verifying a compiler specification, both in hand-written and mechanical proofs. However, there is still a gap between a correct compiler specif...
We verified two versions of the CPS transformation in Isabelle/HOL: one by Plotkin by Danvy and Filinski. We adopted first order abstract syntax so that the formalization is close...
The garbage collection is a safe and efficient method for managing the heap. However it is not efficient for temporary storages that are allocated often and deallocated quickly. R...