Exception analyses so far cannot provide information on the propagation of thrown exceptions, which is necessary to construct interprocedural control flow graph, visualize exceptio...
Abstract. We propose a semantic and syntactic framework for modelling linearly used effects, by giving the monadic transforms of the computational lambda calculus (considered as th...
We define a core language combining computational and architectural primitives, and study how static typing may be used to ensure safety properties of component composition and dyn...
We present a typed calculus IL ("intermediate language") which supports the embedding of ML-like (strict, eager) and Haskell-like (non-strict, lazy) languages, without fa...
Ben Rudiak-Gould, Alan Mycroft, Simon L. Peyton Jo...
This paper presents a new program logic designed for facilitating automated reasoning about pointer programs. The program logic is directly inspired by previous work by O'Hea...
Abstract. The pure pattern calculus generalises the pure lambda-calculus by basing computation on pattern-matching instead of beta-reduction. The simplicity and power of the calcul...
Abstract. We present a type system for a compile-time analysis of heapspace requirements of Java style object-oriented programs with explicit deallocation. Our system is based on a...