We give a simple formulation of Karr’s algorithm for computing all affine relationships in affine programs. This simplified algorithm runs in time O(nk3 ) where n is the progr...
We consider the Edit distance with moves on the class of words and the class of ordered trees. We first exhibit a simple tester for the class of regular languages on words and gen...
We describe a simple but expressive calculus of sequential processes, represented as coroutines. We show that this calculus can be used to express a variety of programming languag...
We define a natural notion of efficiency for approximate nearest-neighbor (ANN) search in general n-point metric spaces, namely the existence of a randomized algorithm which answ...
Abstract. In this paper we consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis in a graph G with m edges and n vertices. The edges of G have non-negative weights on them. The p...
Telikepalli Kavitha, Kurt Mehlhorn, Dimitrios Mich...
We generalise the notion of pre-logical predicates [HS02] to arbitrary simply typed formal systems and their categorical models. We establish the basic lemma of pre-logical predica...
We study the random composition of a small family of O(n3 ) simple permutations on {0, 1}n . Specifically we ask what is the number of compositions needed to achieve a permutatio...
Shlomo Hoory, Avner Magen, Steven Myers, Charles R...