The method of consecutive revolving or extrusion of a geometric entity in a CAD system is typically used by a designer to represent complex solids. While it is evident that consec...
Developable surfaces are modelled with pieces of right circular cones. These cone spline surfaces are well-suited for applications: They possess degree two parametric and implicit...
• In several application fields, large sized, free-form objects of various soft materials are widely used. Available layered prototyping technologies cannot be applied for fabri...
We develop an architecture for a product master model that federates CAD systems with downstream application processes for dierent feature views that are part of the design proce...
Abstract. This paper presents two automatic fairing algorithms for parametric C2 -continuous bi-cubic B-spline surfaces. The fairing method consists of a knot removal and knot rein...
Abstract. This paper reports a geometric constraint solving approach based on symbolic computation. With this approach, we can compute robust numerical solutions for a set of equat...