Multi-core processors have become increasingly prevalent, driving a software shift toward concurrent programs which best utilize these processors. Testing and debugging concurrent...
Gowritharan Maheswara, Jeremy S. Bradbury, Christo...
There are few visualization techniques for displaying complex software systems with large numbers of packages and classes. One visualization technique is the System Hotspots View,...
Craig Anslow, Stuart Marshall, James Noble, Ewan D...
Previous techniques for visualizing time-series of multivariate data mostly plot the time along additional axes, are often complex, and does not support intuitive interaction. In ...
Understanding the data structures in a program is crucial to understanding how the program works, or why it doesn't work. Inspecting the code that implements the data structu...
Edward Aftandilian, Sean Kelley, Connor Gramazio, ...
A programs memory system performance is one of the key determinants of its overall performance. Lack of understanding of a programs memory system behavior can lead to performance ...
George G. Robertson, Trishul M. Chilimbi, Bongshin...
Software visualization can be of great use for understanding and exploring a software system in an intuitive manner. Spatial representation of software is a promising approach of ...
This paper presents a technique for visualizing the interactions between developers in software project evolution. The goal is to produce a visualization that shows more detail th...
Code smells are characteristics of software that indicate that code may have a design problem. Code smells have been proposed as a way for programmers to recognize the need for re...