This paper addresses the problem of exploration and mapping of an unknown environment by multiple robots. The mapping algorithm is an on-line approach to likelihood maximization t...
Reid G. Simmons, David Apfelbaum, Wolfram Burgard,...
Many problem-solving tasks can be formalized as constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). In a multi-agent setting, information about constraints and variables may belong to differ...
We introduce new linear time algorithms for satisfiability of binary propositional theories (2-SAT), and for recognition and satisfiability of renamable Horn theories. The algorit...
In this paper, we consider a method of computing minimal models in circumscription using integer programming in propositional logic and first-order logic with domain closure axiom...
Combinatorial auctions can be used to reach efficient resource and task allocations in multiagent systems where the items are complementary. Determining the winners is NP-complete...
We present a general algorithm for synthesizing state invariants that speed up automated planners and have other applications in reasoning about change. Invariants are facts that ...
We present a Bayesian clustering algorithm for multivariate time series. A clustering is regarded as a probabilistic model in which the unknown auto-correlation structure of a tim...
In this paper, we analyse a concept of total knowledge based on the idea that an agent's total knowledge is the strongest proposition the agent knows. We propose semantics fo...