The idea of local learning, i.e., classifying a particular example based on its neighbors, has been successfully applied to many semi-supervised and clustering problems recently. ...
We consider the following setting: a decision maker must make a decision based on reported data points with binary labels. Subsets of data points are controlled by different selfi...
Reshef Meir, Ariel D. Procaccia, Jeffrey S. Rosens...
Security at major locations of economic or political importance is a key concern around the world, particularly given the threat of terrorism. Limited security resources prevent f...
This paper summarizes recent advances in the application of multiagent coordination algorithms to air traffic flow management. Indeed, air traffic flow management is one of the fu...
Hybrid Scheduling Problems (HSPs) contain both temporal and finite-domain variables, as well as constraints between them. A hybrid constraint over temporal and finite-domain varia...
In this paper, we propose the use of a neuro-fuzzy strategy to develop a Web personalization framework for the dynamic suggestion of URLs retained interesting for the currently co...
Giovanna Castellano, Anna Maria Fanelli, Paola Pla...
Formal approaches to modelling argumentation provide ways to present arguments and counterarguments, and to evaluate which arguments are, in a formal sense, warranted. While these...
While in most planning approaches goals and plans are different objects, it is often useful to specify goals that combine declarative conditions with procedural plans. In this pap...
In complex strategic situations decision-making agents interact with many other agents and have access to many pieces of information throughout their play. This usually leads to g...