This paper presents an effective approach to discard most entries of the rule table for statistical machine translation. The rule table is filtered by monolingual key phrases, whi...
We propose the PlayCoref game, whose purpose is to obtain substantial amount of text data with the coreference annotation. We provide a description of the game design that covers ...
This paper proposes a method to extract product features from user reviews and generate a review summary. This method only relies on product specifications, which usually are easy...
The Columbia Arabic Treebank (CATiB) is a database of syntactic analyses of Arabic sentences. CATiB contrasts with previous approaches to Arabic treebanking in its emphasis on spe...
This paper proposes a novel user intention simulation method which is a data-driven approach but able to integrate diverse user discourse knowledge together to simulate various ty...
Sangkeun Jung, Cheongjae Lee, Kyungduk Kim, Gary G...
Tree substitution grammars (TSGs) offer many advantages over context-free grammars (CFGs), but are hard to learn. Past approaches have resorted to heuristics. In this paper, we le...
As the web grows larger, knowledge acquisition from the web has gained increasing attention. In this paper, we propose using web search clickthrough logs to learn semantic categor...
This paper presents experiments which combine a grammar-driven and a datadriven parser. We show how the conversion of LFG output to dependency representation allows for a techniqu...
In this paper we introduce a bilingual dictionary generating tool that does not use any large bilingual corpora. With this tool we implement our novel pivot based bilingual dictio...
One of the basic problems of efficiently generating information-seeking dialogue in interactive question answering is to find the topic of an information-seeking question with res...