
14 years 29 days ago
The Lie Detector: Explorations in the Automatic Recognition of Deceptive Language
In this paper, we present initial experiments in the recognition of deceptive language. We introduce three data sets of true and lying texts collected for this purpose, and we sho...
Rada Mihalcea, Carlo Strapparava
14 years 29 days ago
Hidden Markov Tree Model in Dependency-based Machine Translation
We would like to draw attention to Hidden Markov Tree Models (HMTM), which are to our knowledge still unexploited in the field of Computational Linguistics, in spite of highly suc...
Zdenek Zabokrtský, Martin Popel
14 years 29 days ago
An Earley Parsing Algorithm for Range Concatenation Grammars
We present a CYK and an Earley-style algorithm for parsing Range Concatenation Grammar (RCG), using the deductive parsing framework. The characteristic property of the Earley pars...
Laura Kallmeyer, Wolfgang Maier, Yannick Parmentie...
14 years 29 days ago
Extending a Surface Realizer to Generate Coherent Discourse
We present a discourse-level Tree Adjoining Grammar which tightly integrates syntax and discourse levels, including a representation for discourse entities. We show that this tech...
Eva Banik
14 years 29 days ago
Prediction of Thematic Rank for Structured Semantic Role Labeling
In Semantic Role Labeling (SRL), it is reasonable to globally assign semantic roles due to strong dependencies among arguments. Some relations between arguments significantly char...
Weiwei Sun, Zhifang Sui, Meng Wang
14 years 29 days ago
Toward finer-grained sentiment identification in product reviews through linguistic and ontological analyses
We propose categories of finer-grained polarity for a more effective aspect-based sentiment summary, and describe linguistic and ontological clues that may affect such fine-graine...
Hye-Jin Min, Jong C. Park
14 years 29 days ago
An Integrated Multi-document Summarization Approach based on Word Hierarchical Representation
This paper introduces a novel hierarchical summarization approach for automatic multidocument summarization. By creating a hierarchical representation of the words in the input do...
Ouyang You, Wenjie Li, Qin Lu
14 years 29 days ago
Using Syntax to Disambiguate Explicit Discourse Connectives in Text
Discourse connectives are words or phrases such as once, since, and on the contrary that explicitly signal the presence of a discourse relation. There are two types of ambiguity t...
Emily Pitler, Ani Nenkova
14 years 29 days ago
Predicting Barge-in Utterance Errors by using Implicitly-Supervised ASR Accuracy and Barge-in Rate per User
Modeling of individual users is a promising way of improving the performance of spoken dialogue systems deployed for the general public and utilized repeatedly. We define "im...
Kazunori Komatani, Alexander I. Rudnicky
14 years 29 days ago
Asynchronous Binarization for Synchronous Grammars
Binarization of n-ary rules is critical for the efficiency of syntactic machine translation decoding. Because the target side of a rule will generally reorder the source side, it ...
John DeNero, Adam Pauls, Dan Klein