Digital signature systems provide a way to transfer trust from the public key to the signed data; this is used extensively within PKIs. However, some applications need a transfer o...
Abstract. High-value rare-event searching is arguably the most natural application of grid computing, where computational tasks are distributed to a large collection of clients (wh...
Strong security notions often introduce strong constraints on the construction of cryptographic schemes: semantic security implies probabilistic encryption, while the resistance to...
Amongst provably secure signature schemes, two distinct classes are of particular interest: the ones with tight reduction (e.g., RSA-PSS), and those which support the use of coupon...
k-times anonymous authentication (k-TAA) schemes allow members of a group to be anonymously authenticated by application providers for a bounded number of times. k-TAA has applicat...
We consider the following problem: a user U wants to store his files in an encrypted form on a remote file server S. Later the user U wants to efficiently retrieve some of the en...
Abstract. We describe a fully k-resilient traitor tracing scheme that utilizes RSA as a secret-key rather than public-key cryptosystem. Traitor tracing schemes deter piracy in broa...
John Patrick McGregor, Yiqun Lisa Yin, Ruby B. Lee
We present Badger, a new fast and provably secure MAC based on universal hashing. In the construction, a modified tree hash that is more efficient than standard tree hashing is us...