Active Spaces are physical spaces augmented with heterogeneous computing and communication devices along with supporting software infrastructure. This integration facilitates coll...
Geetanjali Sampemane, Prasad Naldurg, Roy H. Campb...
The individual vulnerabilities of hosts on a network can be combined by an attacker to gain access that would not be possible if the hosts were not interconnected. Currently avail...
In this paper we describe a mainframe access control system (DENT) and its associated delegated administration tool (DSAS) that were used in a financial institution for over 20 y...
Large-scale distributed systems present numerous security problems not present in local systems. In this paper we present a general security architecture for a large-scale object-...
Bogdan C. Popescu, Maarten van Steen, Andrew S. Ta...
When admitting electronic media as a means for citizens to approach public authorities – i.e., when advancing official proceedings towards e-Government – security is an indisp...
Cyber attacks continue to increase in sophistication. Advanced attackers often gather information about a target system before launching a precise attack to exploit a discovered v...
Technology aimed at making life easier for game developers is an issue of controversy among security experts. Objections arise out of concerns of stability of a gamefriendly platf...
The administration of users and access rights in large enterprises is a complex and challenging task. Roles are a powerful concept for simplifying access control, but their implem...