In the future, if we are to continue to expect improved application performance we will have to achieve it by exploiting course-grained hardware parallelism rather then simply rel...
We propose a more efficient privacy preserving set intersection protocol which improves the previously known result by a factor of O(N) in both the computation and communication c...
Simulation and model checking are commonly used to compare the behaviour of a computer-based system with its requirements specification. However, when upgrading an operational le...
While mobile computing provides a potentially vast business opportunity for many industry participants, it also raises issues such as security and performance. This paper proposes...
Web services have been proposed as means to provide more convenient access to computation services. An issue that still must be dealt with is what to do if there is no web service...
Abstract— Hybrid Wireless Mesh Networks are a combination of mobile ad hoc networks and infrastructure wireless mesh networks, consisting of two types of nodes: Mobile Mesh Clien...