
74views more  ADCM 2006»
14 years 17 days ago
Construction of orthonormal multi-wavelets with additional vanishing moments
An iterative scheme for constructing compactly supported orthonormal (o.n.) multi-wavelets with vanishing moments of arbitrarily high order is established. Precisely, let = [1,
Charles K. Chui, Jian-ao Lian
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14 years 17 days ago
Wavelet bases of Hermite cubic splines on the interval
Rong-Qing Jia, Song-Tao Liu
133views more  ADCM 2006»
14 years 17 days ago
Convex combination maps over triangulations, tilings, and tetrahedral meshes
: In a recent paper by the first author, a simple proof was given of a result by Tutte on the validity of barycentric mappings, recast in terms of the injectivity of piecewise line...
Michael S. Floater, Valérie Pham-Trong
48views more  ADCM 2006»
14 years 17 days ago
Differentiability of multivariate refinable functions and factorization
Abstract. The paper develops a necessary condition for the regularity of a multivariate refinable function in terms of a factorization property of the associated subdivision mask. ...
Tomas Sauer
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14 years 17 days ago
Linearly constrained reconstruction of functions by kernels with applications to machine learning
This paper investigates the approximation of multivariate functions from data via linear combinations of translates of a positive definite kernel from a reproducing kernel Hilbert...
Robert Schaback, J. Werner
110views more  ADCM 2006»
14 years 17 days ago
Interpolation on lattices generated by cubic pencils
: Principal lattices are distributions of points in the plane obtained from a triangle by drawing equidistant parallel lines to the sides and taking the intersection points as node...
Jesús M. Carnicer, Mariano Gasca