Abstract. Norton and Stein associated a number with each idempotent quasigroup or diagonalized Latin square of given finite order n, showing that it is congruent mod 2 to the tria...
In this paper, a method to design regular (2, dc)-LDPC codes over GF(q) with both good waterfall and error floor properties is presented, based on the algebraic properties of thei...
Charly Poulliat, Marc P. C. Fossorier, David Decle...
We investigate ways of representing ordered sets as algebras and how the order relation is reflected in the algebraic properties of the variety (equational class) generated by the...
Given a simple graph G on n vertices, we prove that it is possible to reconstruct several algebraic properties of the edge ideal from the deck of G, that is, from the collection o...
Type-flaw attacks and multi-protocol attacks on security protocols have been frequently reported in the literature. Heather et al. and Guttman et al. proved that these could be pr...
We discuss the algebraic properties of intuitionistic fuzzy implications. We examine the conjugacy problem in this family of functions. The characterizations of intuitionistic fuz...
ProVerif is one of the most successful tools for cryptographic protocol analysis. However, dealing with algebraic properties of operators such as the exclusive OR (XOR) and Diffie-...
Abstract. We prove a new congruence result for the π-calculus: bisimilarity is a congruence in the sub-calculus that does not include restriction nor sum, and features top-level r...
Abstract. Many security protocols fundamentally depend on the algebraic properties of cryptographic operators. It is however difficult to handle these properties when formally anal...
Abstract. This work aims to identify the algebraic problems which enable many attacks on RFID protocols. Toward this goal, three emerging types of attacks on RFID protocols, concer...