
139views more  TCAD 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Digital filter synthesis based on an algorithm to generate all minimal signed digit representations
In this paper, the authors propose an algorithm to find all the minimal signed digit (MSD) representations of a constant and present an algorithm to synthesize digital filters base...
In-Cheol Park, Hyeong-Ju Kang
67views more  TASLP 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Efficient tracking of the cross-correlation coefficient
In many (audio) processing algorithms, involving manipulation of discrete-time signals, the performance can vary strongly over the repertoire that is used. This may be the case whe...
Ronald M. Aarts, Roy Irwan, Augustus J. E. M. Jans...
231views more  SPE 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Second step algorithms in the Burrows-Wheeler compression algorithm
In this paper we fix our attention on the second step algorithms of the Burrows
Sebastian Deorowicz
197views more  TVCG 1998»
13 years 9 months ago
A New Line Integral Convolution Algorithm for Visualizing Time-Varying Flow Fields
—New challenges on vector field visualization emerge as time-dependent numerical simulations become ubiquitous in the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). To visualize da...
Han-Wei Shen, David L. Kao
121views more  TVCG 1998»
13 years 9 months ago
Interactive Volume Navigation
—Volume navigation is the interactive exploration of volume data sets by “flying” the viewpoint through the data, producing a volume rendered view at each frame. We present a...
Martin L. Brady, Kenneth K. Jung, H. T. Nguyen, Th...
13 years 9 months ago
Fuzzy relation equations (I): the general and specialized solving algorithms
In this article, we develop a new method and an algorithm to solve a system of fuzzy relation equations. We first introduce a solution-base-matrix and then give a tractable mathema...
Li Chen, Paul P. Wang
71views more  TPDS 1998»
13 years 9 months ago
Parallel Algorithms for Relational Coarsest Partition Problems
—Relational Coarsest Partition Problems (RCPPs) play a vital role in verifying concurrent systems. It is known that RCPPs are 3-complete and hence it may not be possible to desig...
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Insup Lee
125views more  TPDS 1998»
13 years 9 months ago
An Efficient Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm For Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems
—Many time-critical applications require predictable performance and tasks in these applications have deadlines to be met. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm for no...
G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy
108views more  TPDS 1998»
13 years 9 months ago
Critical Path Profiling of Message Passing and Shared-Memory Programs
—In this paper, we introduce a runtime, nontrace-based algorithm to compute the critical path profile of the execution of message passing and shared-memory parallel programs. Our...
Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth
186views more  TON 1998»
13 years 9 months ago
Virtual path control for ATM networks with call level quality of service guarantees
— The configuration of virtual path (VP) connection services is expected to play an important role in the operation of large-scale asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks. A m...
Nikolaos Anerousis, Aurel A. Lazar