We prove that the First Fit bin packing algorithm is stable under the input distribution U{k - 2, k} for all k 3, settling an open question from the recent survey by Coffman, Gar...
A simple learning rule is derived, the VAPS algorithm, which can be instantiated to generate a wide range of new reinforcementlearning algorithms. These algorithms solve a number ...
This paper presents a trainable rule-based algorithm for performing word segmentation. The algorithm provides a simple, language-independent alternative to large-scale lexicai-bas...
We present a refinement and a coarsening (also simplification or decimation) algorithm for the adaptive representation of bivariate functions. The algorithms have proved to be eff...
The paper explores the power of two systematic Branch and Bound search algorithms that exploit partition-based heuristics, BBBT (a new algorithm for which the heuristic informatio...
Loopy and generalized belief propagation are popular algorithms for approximate inference in Markov random fields and Bayesian networks. Fixed points of these algorithms correspo...
What will it be like to work in the digital library of the future? We begin by browsing around an experimental digital library of the present, glancing at some collections and show...
We prove a lower bound of 0.3288 n 4¡ for the rectilinear crossing number cr(Kn) of a complete graph on n vertices, or in other words, for the minimum number of convex quadril...
We consider a fault-tolerant generalization of the classical uncapacitated facility location problem, where each client j has a requirement that rj distinct facilities serve it, i...