For a set P of n points in R2 , the Euclidean 2-center problem computes a pair of congruent disks of the minimal radius that cover P. We extend this to the (2, k)-center problem wh...
Abstract. We consider the problem of encoding a graph with n vertices and m edges compactly supporting adjacency, neighborhood and degree queries in constant time in the log n-bit ...
Abstract. We present data structures for maintaining the relative convex hull of a set of points (sites) in the presence of pairwise non-crossing line segments (barriers) that subd...
Given an n-node graph and a subset of k terminal nodes, the NP-hard Steiner tree problem is to compute a minimum-size tree which spans the terminals. All the known algorithms for t...
Following recent interest in the study of computer science problems in a game theoretic setting, we consider the well known bin packing problem where the items are controlled by se...
Abstract. The 3D visibility skeleton is a data structure used to encode global visibility information about a set of objects. Previous theoretical results have shown that for k con...
In the relay placement problem the input is a set of sensors and a number r 1, the communication range of a relay. In the one-tier version of the problem the objective is to place...
We experimentally study the reliability of geometric software for point location in simple polygons. As expected, the code we tested works very well for random query points. Howeve...