
13 years 7 months ago
Agency in Natural and Artificial Systems
We analyze the conditions for agency in natural and artificial systems. In the case of basic (natural) autonomous systems, self-construction and activity in the environment are two...
Alvaro Moreno, Arantza Etxeberria
13 years 7 months ago
State Aggregation and Population Dynamics in Linear Systems
We consider complex systems that are composed of many interacting elements, evolving under some dynamics. We are interested in characterizing the ways in which these elements may b...
Jonathan E. Rowe, Michael D. Vose, Alden H. Wright
13 years 7 months ago
Levels of Description: A Novel Approach to Dynamical Hierarchies
We present a novel formal interpretation of dynamical hierarchies based on information theory, in which each level is a near-state-determined system, and levels are related to one ...
Simon McGregor, Chrisantha Fernando
13 years 7 months ago
Flexible Couplings: Diffusing Neuromodulators and Adaptive Robotics
Recent years have seen the discovery of freely diffusing gaseous neurotransmitters, such as nitric oxide (NO), in biological nervous systems. A type of artificial neural network (A...
Andrew Philippides, Phil Husbands, Tom Smith, Mich...
13 years 7 months ago
Material Representations: From the Genetic Code to the Evolution of Cellular Automata
We present a new definition of the concept of representation for cognitive science that is based on a study of the origin of structures that are used to store memory in evolving sy...
Luis Mateus Rocha, Wim Hordijk
13 years 7 months ago
A Gene Network Model for Developing Cell Lineages
Biological development is a remarkably complex process. A single cell, in an appropriate environment, contains sufficient information to generate a variety of differentiated cell ...
Nicholas Geard, Janet Wiles
13 years 7 months ago
Transient Phenomena in Learning and Evolution: Genetic Assimilation and Genetic Redistribution
Deacon has recently proposed that complexes of genes can be integrated into functional groups as a result of environmental changes that mask and unmask selection pressures. For exa...
Janet Wiles, James Watson, Bradley Tonkes, Terrenc...
13 years 7 months ago
The Development of Embodied Cognition: Six Lessons from Babies
The embodiment hypothesis is the idea that intelligence emerges in the interaction of an agent with an environment and as a result of sensorimotor activity. In this paper we offer ...
Linda Smith, Michael Gasser
13 years 7 months ago
Emergence of Cooperation: State of the Art
This review presents a review of prevalent results within research pertaining to emergent cooperation in biologically inspired artificial social systems. Results reviewed maintain ...
Geoff Nitschke